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Papiro facile da pulire in PE
EUROPALMS Papiro, pianta artificiale, 100 cm

1 m

Papiro facile da pulire in PE

EUROPALMS Papiro, pianta artificiale, 100 cm

La giacenza è di circa 12 sett.
nel carrello
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No. 82600234
The real papyrus is a plant species of the Cyprus grass family.
In ancient times it served as an important raw material for the production of scrolls or as a building material. Nowadays, it is one of the most popular ornamental grasses.
In contrast to its real role model, which requires very demanding care and reacts very sensitively to any omission, the papyrus of Europalms is completely undemanding.
As the ornamental grass is made entirely of PE, it can also be placed in sheltered outdoor areas. It is available in different sizes.
Whether for the design of office, practice, wellness, business premises or in the private sector - it is always an impressive eye-catcher.
Included in the delivery is a basic gardener's pot, which gives the plant a stable stand when placed in a planter.

Papiro facile da pulire in PE

  • Tronco d'arte
  • The article is delivered pronto per il posizionamento
  • Adatto per uso esterno
Dati tecnici
Tronco:3 x tronco d'arte
Installazione/Fissaggio:Vaso da giardino
Materiale:PE polietilene
Stile della decorazione:Fascino mediterraneo; Modern living; pianta da appartamento
Misure:Altezza: 1 m
Unità di imballaggio
QPC EANPeso Dimensioni
140263976424452,25 kg100cm x 12cm x 12cm
4402639764245210,40 kg120cm x 28,5cm x 15cm
8402639764246922,20 kg122cm x 30,5cm x 30cm
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Informazioni sul produttore
Steinigke Showtechnic GmbH
Andreas-Bauer-Str. 5
D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn

+49 931 4061 600
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