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Herbaceous growing plastic swamp and aquatic plant
EUROPALMS Bulrush, artificial plant 90cm

90 cm
The bulrush, also known as lamp cleaner or cannon cleaner, is a particularly popular and decorative plant due to its eye-catching appearance. In floristry, however, only the dried inflorescences of the marsh and aquatic plant were used for autumn decorations or dry arrangements.
In the case of Europalms' artificial bulrush, great importance was attached to a lifelike appearance. Starting with the stiffly upright growing, unstalked leaves in various shades of green and brown to the brown colored, cylindrical bulbs with their two-part inflorescence.
The basic gardener's pot included in the delivery is covered with built-in pebbles. Thus it can be used both as a standing aid for a planter and as a decorative pot.
The plant is available in different sizes and thus suitable for different purposes.

Herbaceous growing plastic swamp and aquatic plant

  • Assume la propria forma in modo indipendente
  • The article is delivered pronto per il posizionamento
  • Adatto per uso esterno
  • With di colore verde lifelike leaves
  • circa 7 di colore marrone beautifully flowers
Dati tecnici
Struttura:Assume la propria forma in modo indipendente
Fogliame:Materiale: PE polietilene
Fiori:Numero: cira 7 Pezzo
Colore: marrone
Materiale: Plastica
Stile della decorazione:Foresta e campagna; Pantano; Modern living
Stagione:Estate; Autunno
Misure:Altezza: 90 cm
Peso:2,00 kg
Unità di imballaggio
QPC EANPeso Dimensioni
140263976426052,10 kg85cm x 15cm x 15cm
440263976426129,25 kg105cm x 34,5cm x 16cm
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Informazioni sul produttore
Steinigke Showtechnic GmbH
Andreas-Bauer-Str. 5
D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn

+49 931 4061 600
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