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Effetti speciali (Prodotti : 172)

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Special effects

A show remains in the memory of a visitor if it is unique, i.e. stands out from the crowd. In order to achieve this, artists have various ways to captivate their audience. One "aid" are special effects such as snow machines, confetti cannons, soap bubble machines or aircones. Of course, you will find these in our assortment – together with other special effects such as foam machines, CO2 effects, fans and blowers, flamelights, fire effects as well as drop systems for curtains.

No matter what the event is: We at Steinigke offer you the right effect for film, party or wedding. Just have a look!

Snow machines

To enjoy a closed snow cover, your audience does not necessarily have to hope for a white Christmas or the next winter vacation in the mountains. The snow machines from EUROLITE and Antari produce a large amount of artificial snow within a very short time. The snow machines can be used standing or hanging. Filled with the appropriate snow fluid, the produced snowflakes are then thrown into the room by the snow machine. Powerful motors ensure that a closed snow cover is produced within a very short time. This makes the snow machines particularly suitable for use in theaters, discotheques and anywhere else where snow is needed to create a successful backdrop. But do not worry! Gradually, the "snow" dissolves again, almost without leaving any residue.

Foam machines

"Foam" is and remains an absolute highlight for act and audience at every event. Especially in discotheques the effect machines are used and produce the spectacular special effect quasi at the push of a button via DMX or remote control. For this, the devices only need the appropriate fluid, electricity and water. Depending on the performance of the foam machine, enormous mountains of foam are produced. This makes the effect machines not only an enrichment for discotheques and parties, but also ideal for a great performance in the theater or at the movies.

Bubble machines

Not only children's hearts beat faster at the sight of them, adults are also happy when they see them: Soap bubbles. Therefore, you will find in our assortment the right machine for every event, because not only at birthdays, weddings or parties they provide so for exuberant mood. Our online store offers you a variety of different bubble machines from EUROLITE and Antari, which – depending on their performance – can be used either at larger concerts or at smaller parties. If the bubbles are combined with colorful light, the enthusiasm of your audience will be great.

Confetti effects

Not only at carnival, confetti creates an exuberant mood, also at other events the confetti effects from EUROLITE and TCM create a party mood. Depending on the power of the confetti cannon, spectacular confetti salvos can be fired or thrown through the room with the help of a powerful fan. The confetti cannons can be used standing or hanging and can be triggered by DMX or remote control, for example, to put the highlight of your show in a particularly spectacular light.

CO2 effects

In our assortment you will also find effects based on CO2. Here, for example, an enormous amount of fog is blasted meters high into the air at the push of a button – via DMX, control panel or remote control. Imposing fog fountains then shoot into the room – vertically or horizontally, depending on the orientation of the effect device. By the way: Of course, you can also find the right accessories in our online store, such as mounting plates to prevent the launch unit from tipping over due to the recoil. After all, safety first!

Fans and ventilators

Wind machines are not only used in film or theater. Also, at festivals or in discos, the fans and blowers from EUROLITE and Antari can provide that certain something. Powerful fans with adjustable tilt angle and variable fan power – for every event our store offers you the suitable wind machine. After all, the special effect is not only reserved for the stage of the Eurovision Song Contest, is it?


They are perfect for advertising in the entrance area of a discotheque or decorating a shop window: Aircones. Available in various colors and shapes, they will add a special flair to your retail store, exhibition stand or an event. The luminous sculpture has a built-in fan that allows the attachment to be raised. The special lighting effect is provided by the illuminants embedded in the fan. The resulting indirect lighting sets a room or a smaller event wonderfully in scene.


It does not always have to be snow machines, confetti cannons or soap bubble machines. The Flamelights by EUROLITE conjure impressive light effects on stage, which look realistic and decorative due to the integrated LEDs. The effect machines have various functions: They can be dimmed, have auto modes or a speed setting.

Fire effects

A special highlight for your stage show are the fire effects from EUROLITE. These special effects do not require any pyrotechnics and therefore do not need a permit. They do not rely on the use of alcohol or other flammable liquids, but use special granules with titanium alloy. This is filled into the designated container and heated. The sparks are then transported vertically upwards without causing explosions, flames or fireballs.

Drop systems

Attached to truss systems, drop systems are used whenever something needs to be staged suddenly and surprisingly on stage. A good example is the falling curtain at the beginning of a show, for example at a festival or in the theater. They are triggered at the push of a button and provide a clear view of the stage – the successful starting signal for a spectacular event.

Of course, you will also find the right accessories for your favorite special effects in our range. Our employees will be happy to assist you!

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