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Belle plante d'appartement
EUROPALMS Anthurium, plante artificielle, blanc rose


Belle plante d'appartement

EUROPALMS Anthurium, plante artificielle, blanc rose

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No. 82540348
This long flowering houseplant, whose botanical name is "Anthurium andreanum", is also known as flamingo flower. With simple elegance, it convinces as an ideal table and counter decoration for your office and living rooms, as well as for restaurants and hotels.

The actual blossom (bulb) of the anthurium is located in the middle of tall leaves in white and pink, which have heart-shaped protrusions. These tower above the green leafy stand of the artificial plant and convince the viewer as a blooming eye-catcher. The decorative foliage is made of waterproof tarpaulin and shows the typical leaf embossing of the real plants. Aerial roots form the end of the plant towards the moss cover of the pot.

The flamingo flower is delivered in a plain decorative pot. Accordingly, it can be easily placed in your premises with a few simple steps and without much effort.

Belle plante d'appartement

  • L'article est livré avec prêt à poser
  • Adapté à des espaces protégés en extérieur
  • À feuilles réalistes vertcoloré
  • Fleurs élégantes env. 3
Données techniques
Installation/fixation:Récipient design couvert de mousse
Feuillage:Matériau: Plastique souple EVA
Fleurs:Nombre : env. 3 Pièce
Matériau : Plastique souple EVA
Style de déco:Plante d'intérieur
Poids:0,30 kg
Unités de conditionnement
140263977012720,30 kg20cm x 20cm x 40cm
640263977012892,30 kg30cm x 21cm x 45cm
48402639770129620,20 kg121cm x 44cm x 47cm
Pièces de rechange
Aucune pièce de rechange disponible.
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Informations du fabricant
Steinigke Showtechnic GmbH
Andreas-Bauer-Str. 5
D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn

+49 931 4061 600
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