Steinigke Showtechnic GmbH - Votre grossiste en technologie événementielle. Vente aux clients professionnels uniquement. Tous les prix s'entendent hors TVA


Câble de fixation, câble de sécurité
EUROLITE Lifting Rope 2000x10mm

1 cm

Câble de fixation, câble de sécurité

EUROLITE Lifting Rope 2000x10mm

EUROLITE Lifting ropes, safety bonds
The EUROLITE lifting ropes, safety bonds comply with the current regulation of the German professional insurance association as summed up in BGI 810-3:2007-03 Loads above persons. The lifting ropes, safety bonds are constructed in accordance with the European standards DIN EN 12385-4:2008-06 and DIN 56927:2009-03.
The lifting ropes, safety bonds are tested by the LGA, an independent and accredited testing institute. The breaking load testified by the LGA is documented in the test report according to DIN EN 10204 required by the German professional insurance association.
Clearly, every user can install and secure loads above persons with these lifting ropes, safety bonds in all areas where the BGV C1 is required.
Use as attachment gear
These ropes are stamped with a WLL describing the maximum load when used for general lifting purposes. For all areas where the BGV C1 is required, the correct lifting rope must be selected only by calculating with safety-factor 12. According to this calculation, the maximum load of this rope is 450 kg (single-stranded).
Use as safety bond
The correct safety bond must be selected only by table 9 of BGI 810-3:2007-03. According to this table, the maximum load of this safety bond is 100 kg.

Câble de fixation, câble de sécurité

  • Round strand rope 6 x 19 with fibre core
  • With two thimbles
  • Suitable for installing and securing loads above persons
  • 16 mm shackle included in the delivery
  • 10 x 2000 mm
  • WLL 1050 kg
  • Test report according to DIN EN 10204 as download
  • Correspond DIN EN 12385-4:2008-06 et DIN 56927:2009-03
  • Corde à cosse et raccord
  • Examiné par le LGA
  • Vous trouverez de plus amples informations sur ce produit dans la rubrique « Téléchargements » de la fiche technique
Données techniques
Charge maximale WLL (5 fois):1050 kg
Construction à base de câbles:6 x 19 FC
Classe de résistance du câble:1770
Norme:DIN EN 12385-4:2008-06, DIN 56927:2009-03
Résistance à la rupture du câble:1770 N/mm²
Surface des fils:Galvanisé
Plage de température:-40° C - +100° C
Dimension:Longueur : 2 m
Diamètre : Ø 1 cm
Poids:1,64 kg
Poids de longueur:0,359 kg/m
Unités de conditionnement
140263971929331,65 kg25cm x 24cm x 6cm
540263974748559,00 kg37,5cm x 30cm x 13,5cm
15402639719294025,50 kg40cm x 28cm x 27,5cm
Pièces de rechange
Aucune pièce de rechange disponible.
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Informations du fabricant
Steinigke Showtechnic GmbH
Andreas-Bauer-Str. 5
D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn

+49 931 4061 600
Consignes de sécurité et avertissements
Les consignes de sécurité spécifiques au produit figurent dans le mode d'emploi du produit.
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