Steinigke Showtechnic GmbH - Votre grossiste en technologie événementielle. Vente aux clients professionnels uniquement. Tous les prix s'entendent hors TVA

  • CRMX by LumenRadio (27)
  • Commande de la musique (17)
  • DMX (50)
  • Fonction maître/esclave (48)
  • Plug and play (20)
  • Potentiomètre à raccourci (15)
  • QuickDMX (20)
  • RDM (10)
  • Stand-alone (41)
  • Télécommande câblée (3)
  • Télécommande infrarouge (26)
  • W-DMX by Wireless Solution (30)
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Floodlights Photo de couverture

Des lampes à faisceau large et des Floodlights pour vos événements

Les lampes à faisceau large émettent une lumière plate. Aussi, elles sont également appelées éclairages de surface ou Floodlights. Les faisceaux sont utilisés sur les scènes de spectacle et au théâtre, mais elle permettent aussi d’éclairer des monuments et des bâtiments, ou des installations sportives.

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Projecteur Gros plan
Le progrès des techniques d’éclairage a aussi bénéficié aux lampes à faisceau large. Alors qu’on utilisait traditionnellement des éclairages de surface à ampoules halogènes, les projecteurs LED ont aussi gagné en popularité. Les LED haute puissance assurent un éclairage intense et offrent des possibilités d’aménagement créatives grâce à leur mélange de couleurs.
Projecteur vue de face
Dans cette catégorie, vous trouverez des lampes à faisceau large pour l’intérieur et l’extérieur. Nos appareils d’extérieur ont la classe de protection ad hoc. Ils sont ainsi protégés de la poussière et des projections d’eau. Ces projecteurs se prêtent donc à une utilisation en extérieur par mauvais temps, si bien qu’ils sont fréquemment utilisés pour éclairer des monuments et des façades.

Lampe à faisceau large (Produits: 75)

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The invention of the carbon arc lamp in the 1870s by Sir Humphry Davy laid the foundation for the first forms of floodlighting, also known as floodlights. This type of floodlight was used to highlight specific areas of the stage or to provide general illumination. The development of floodlights continued. Only a few decades later, at the turn of the century, so-called floodlights appeared. These floodlights were first used in public facilities and industrial applications. Thanks to continuous developments – such as the invention of halogen lamps or LEDs – floodlights finally leaped theaters. There, the floodlights were used to generate uniform light to illuminate the stage. Today, floodlights are also used at sporting events to illuminate a stage or in architecture; often in the form of LED floodlights.

We offer a wide range of different floodlights by EUROLITE and FUTURELIGHT. Thanks to their versatility, these can be used at many different events. The floodlights generate a wide-area light beam – hence their name.

Thanks to their light output, the floodlights ensure optimum, wide-area illumination at your next event. To achieve this, the floodlights are equipped with powerful LEDs. Depending on the model, these enable homogeneous color mixing with a high color rendering index and have integrated show programs or various effects. The floodlights can also be controlled via DMX, stand-alone, or master/slave function. Floodlights with halogen lamps are also available as an alternative to the LED floodlights. These spotlights put shop windows, exhibition stands or workshops in the right light.

The floodlights from our assortment can be used on stages, at sporting events, or outdoor events, depending on the floodlight selected, thanks to their various features. You are sure to find the right floodlight – with LEDs or halogen lamps – for your next event in our online store.

Do you still have questions about the floodlights, the right LEDs, or other spotlights from our assortment? Then get in touch with our employees. They will be pleased to provide you with advice on floodlights and other lights.

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