Steinigke Showtechnic GmbH - Votre grossiste en technologie événementielle. Vente aux clients professionnels uniquement. Tous les prix s'entendent hors TVA

  • Bouton rotatif (1)
  • CRMX by LumenRadio (15)
  • Commande de la musique (19)
  • DMX (19)
  • Fonction maître/esclave (17)
  • Plug and play (1)
  • Potentiomètre à raccourci (2)
  • Pédale sans fil (6)
  • QuickDMX (15)
  • Stand-alone (19)
  • Télécommande infrarouge (7)
  • W-DMX by Wireless Solution (15)
Préprogrammé dans
Type de LED
Angle de départ

Les scanners : une lumière mobile à bon prix pour votre boîte de nuit ou votre événement

Les scanners comptent parmi les projecteurs classiques. Avant le développement des lyres, les scanners apportaient du mouvement lors des concerts et en boîte de nuit, en projetant leurs faisceaux lumineux dans toute la salle.

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Scanner blanc

À la différence des « têtes » des lyres, celles des scanners ne sont pas complètement mobiles. En lieu et place de cela, le faisceau lumineux généré par une ampoule statique est orienté par un miroir mobile. Aussi, le mouvement de la lumière est de moindre envergure qu’avec une lyre. Les scanners recouraient traditionnellement à des lampes à décharge, mais de nos jours on utilise plutôt des LED blanches haute performance. Les couleurs et les motifs sont représentés au moyen de roues de couleur et de roues de gobo.

Photo de l’utilisation d’un scanner

Bien que les appareils semblent lentement disparaître des équipements d’éclairage, les scanners ont toujours une raison d’être. Dès lors qu’il s’agit d’éclairer les boîtes de nuit et les petits concerts, ils constituent un substitut bon marché aux lyres coûteuses. Ils constituent aussi une option pertinente pour les scènes de théâtre. Étant donné que, sur le plan technique, les scanners sont moins complexes que les lyres, leur réparation et leur maintenance coûtent souvent moins cher.

Scanner (Produits: 19)


Scanners differ from moving heads and other moving light effects in terms of their function and design, but they are still classified as moving lights. While the head of the spotlight moves in a moving head and can therefore cover a much larger radius of movement, a scanner uses a moving mirror that reflects the light in a room. The beam of light then creates great effects, such as dynamic movement and pattern effects thanks to rotating gobos, which create exciting effects at variable speeds, for example in the lighting of a disco.

The light source used in scanners today is usually LEDs, which are integrated directly into the compact housing of the device. Depending on the model, color-changing functions, gobos, or shutters are also integrated into the scanner. Like other moving lights, the scanner is often controlled via DMX. About the use of color, gobos, or other effects, the device offers a wide range of creative possibilities.

The scanners in our range are suitable for use in discos, at theater performances, or in clubs. The lighting effects are equipped with a variety of functions and options to help you create unique lighting for your next event. From precise movement effects and pulsating light patterns to the use of fascinating color wheels - with the scanners by EUROLITE there are no limits to your creativity.

History of scanners in lighting technology

Scanners have been an integral part of lighting technology at events for around 60 years now. However, the development of the modern scanner goes back to the early days of stage lighting. Back in the 19th century, for example, simple mechanical devices such as rotating mirrors were used in theater lighting technology. These directed the light onto a stage, for example, creating fascinating movement effects. When the first mechanical devices capable of moving and directing light beams were developed in the late 1960s, the success story of the scanner took off: The first commercially distributed scanner was finally developed and produced by the company "Shoeps". Since then, the technology of this special lighting effect has continued to develop - with the result that scanners are now an indispensable part of any professional lighting installation.

Do you still have questions about our scanners, the LEDs, or the color wheels used in the devices? Then please contact our employees. They will be delighted to advise you on the various possible applications of EUROLITE scanners and other LED spotlights.

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