Steinigke Showtechnic GmbH - Votre grossiste en technologie événementielle. Vente aux clients professionnels uniquement. Tous les prix s'entendent hors TVA

  • ArtNet (2)
  • CRMX by LumenRadio (18)
  • Commande de la musique (20)
  • DMX (20)
  • Fonction maître/esclave (17)
  • QuickDMX (16)
  • RDM (8)
  • SACN (2)
  • Stand-alone (20)
  • W-DMX by Wireless Solution (16)
Préprogrammé dans
Type de LED
Type de lampe
Angle de départ
Une scène avec des lyres

Les lyres beam : des projecteurs mobiles au faisceau lumineux fortement concentré

Les lyres sont un équipement de premier choix pour l’aménagement efficace des scènes, des émissions télévisées, des théâtres et des boîtes de nuit. Les lyres beam appartiennent à la catégorie la plus récente des éclairages scéniques mobiles. Elles ont spécialement été développées afin d’émettre les faisceaux lumineux le plus concentrés possible et encore visibles à de très grandes distances.

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Futurelight EYE-19 HCL

Afin de concentrer au mieux le faisceau lumineux, l’appareil est doté une grande lentille caractéristique ou (dans le cas des beams LED) d’une plaque de lentille. Les appareils ont souvent les mêmes caractéristiques que leurs homologues spot ou wash, p. ex. que les roues de gobo. Mais ils les combinent à un angle de départ bien moindre. Grâce à leurs 2 axes pivotants (PAN/TILT), le faisceau lumineux est facile à positionner et à déplacer. Du reste, les lyres beam sont très sociables. Il est possible de combiner de nombreux appareils à la perfection pour assurer des effets massifs et des spectacles de lumière.

Lyre Beam (Produits: 20)

Moving Head Beams

A beam of light that is as concentrated as possible and can still be seen in the distance: The moving head beam bundles the light it produces with the help of a lens and throws this beam into a room. In combination with other beams or other moving lights, these devices conjure up spectacular fan effects or beam shows.

More than just moving light

Thanks to the characteristic PAN and TILT movement of the moving head, the beam can be moved freely anywhere in the room. Thus, this type of head-moving spotlight is the means of choice for staging an effective light show on stages, at TV shows, in theaters or in clubs. But that is not all: In combination with artificial fog, the bundled light beam creates impressive lighting effects – especially when changing colors or one of the integrated show programs are also used. Then the moving head beams live up to their name and the light becomes outstandingly visible through the fog.

Versatile functions

The Moving Head Beams from EUROLITE and FUTURELIGHT are equipped with different functions. Most models can be controlled in different modes via DMX. Depending on the unit, color wheels, focus, gobo wheels and/or prisms are available. A mains input and mains output allow many units to easily loop through the power from multiple moving head beams.

Light shows with beams are particularly impressive when the PAN and TILT movements of the devices are precisely coordinated and play out a thoroughly choreographed show. Via DMX the moving heads can be orchestrated perfectly to such impressive shows.


Of course, in our online store you will find models with discharge lamps as well as LED moving head beams. These are characterized by an optimal RGB or RGBW color mixing and also bring a variety of functions.

For smaller events or the use at wedding parties, where no one can take care of the light, you can also find moving head beams in our assortment, which can be operated in standalone mode or with music control in addition to the control via DMX.

We will be happy to answer any questions you may have about our range of moving lights, spotlights or light and illuminants. Our employees are ready to help you with words and deeds.

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